Homeowners know the reasons why they hire expert lawn treatments in Dumfries, VA. Professional lawn care companies mix and tailor custom weed control and fertilization application programs in the long term with positive effects. Nevertheless, it sometimes happens, so you don’t have the time to wait for a team of experts to take care of things because the weeds are too many, and you need to stop them in their tracks. Using herbicides for weed control sounds easy enough, but it comes with many risks you need to avoid to prevent further lawn damages. Today, our lawn care contractor in Dumfries, VA, is here to tell you some things about weed control and the use of herbicides.
What Herbicides Work Best for Your Weeds?
The advantage of having professional lawn treatments in Dumfries, VA, is that professionals can correctly identify the weed varieties that troubles you. Once the identification and classification are over, they apply the right weed killers triggering the most invasive invaders.
If you know what plants you have to deter, you can get a specific herbicide from a specialized store. Make sure you follow the label instructions: dosages, quantities, application time and frequency, etc.
In case you do not know what your enemies are, our lawn care company in Dumfries, VA, recommends you choose organic herbicides and weed killers. Broad-spectrum herbicides that might kill the weeds might also destroy your turf, plants, and flowers, even harm the soil and the beneficial insects living on your property.
Even if you do not use large herbicide quantities, chemical substances can compromise the environment and contaminate vegetables, edible plants, herbs, fruit trees, etc.
Mix Organic Herbicides with Other Organic Weed Control Measures
The organic method can help you keep weeds at bay at a slower pace. However, it has long-term beneficial effects. Homemade pest control mixtures, cleaning, raking, fertilization, mulching, watering, and mowing do not harm the soil, the vegetation, or the micro-ecosystem you host on your property. If you need help in applying the best organic weed control programs to solve the problem, ask our lawn treatment experts in Dumfries, VA, for their support.
For any lawn treatments in Dumfries, VA, call our lawn care company. We can offer you a weed control program that keeps the yard and the environment safe and healthy. We can help you with weed identification, prevention, and long-term control. Before doing anything hasty, call your lawn care Dumfries, VA team to offer you guidance on organic fertilization and weed control approaches.