Lawn Care Services in Woodbridge, Manassas, Dumfries, & Nearby Areas in Virginia

Lawn Care Services in Woodbridge, Manassas, Dumfries, VA & Nearby Areas

We offer lawn fertilization, weed control, aeration, overseeding, disease control, and insect control services.

Lawn Care

Looking after your lawn takes a lot of time and effort. It can be daunting and overwhelming, but we’re here to help. Let our experts at Precision Lawn & Landscape take this burden off your shoulders with our lawn care services. Our team provides reliable lawn fertilization, weed control, aeration, overseeding, disease control, and insect control services to help your turf flourish all year long! These services will not only ensure your grass is healthy and robust, but they’ll also keep it protected from stressors like diseases and infestations. We offer these services to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Woodbridge, Manassas, Dumfries, and nearby areas in %%statefull%.

Lawn Fertilization

Our lawn fertilization service is designed to keep your grass in great health throughout the year. We will feed your lawn with liquid and granular fertilizer treatments that are chock-full of nutrients and promote stronger roots, greener grass blades, and increased resilience!

Weed Control

Pesky weeds will compete with your grass for nutrients, but we’ll keep them away with our weed control service! Our team will utilize pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to prevent and eliminate weeds. That way, your turf stays weed-free throughout the year! Common weeds in our area that we tackle include:

Lawn Aeration

If your grass is not growing as well as you’d like it to, it might be having trouble accessing nutrients and other vital resources. A common culprit is soil compaction, which we can address through our lawn aeration service. We are equipped with top-of-the-line, high-end aerator machines that allow us to efficiently pull up plugs of soil, giving the roots of your grass better access to nutrients, water, and air.


Is your lawn looking bare and patchy? If so, our overseeding service is just what you need! Our team will spread either tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass seeds on your existing lawn. These grass seeds will grow and fill in the barren spots on your turf and reinvigorate its appearance.

Our team will apply a fertilizer treatment after overseeding to give the newly planted seeds a much-needed boost of nutrients!

Lawn Disease Control

Our lawn disease control service is meant to keep turf   from causing severe damage to your lawn. Here in Virginia, common lawn diseases include red thread, brown patch, dollar spot, and snow mold. These diseases and many others are no match for our top-quality lawn disease control treatments!

Lawn Insect Control

We offer a lawn insect control service to deter pests that can wreak havoc on your turf. One of the most common and destructive pests in our area is grubs. Our team offers a preventative treatment that will stop grubs from feeding on the roots of your turf!

Call us today to schedule our lawn care services.

spraying lawn

Ensure your lawn has everything it needs to flourish with our lawn care services! Our team at Precision Lawn & Landscape knows the ins and outs of caring for a lawn and keeping it in optimum shape. From lawn fertilization treatments to the power duo of aeration and overseeding, we can handle it. We offer our lawn care services to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Woodbridge, Manassas, Dumfries, VA, and nearby areas. Give us a call today at (703) 493-1811 to schedule any of our services.

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